jeffdengr thank you for being gracious and open. My last post started because I noted a possible misinterpretation. I believe we are of a similar mind.

I'll back Shawn up on that Holosync info from LSC. I have recieved product offers from other companies through Learning Strategies. I have a Nigthingale Conant product on the Silva Ultramind system in front of me now. I also recall a Centrepoint product being offered to me this year.

4space, SFQ is just one of I'm guessing hundreds of qigong systems. The are also some western developed techniques (systems) that work towards the same sort of things as qigong. Silva and Holosync are just two. You could consider forms of hypnosis as a third.

There are others with more and broader experience than I have. Maybe some of them will share their experience.

You are perfection.