Hello all,
I have been involved with the forum for a bit over three years. 'Everyone', has always been welcomed here.

This is, a forum on SFQ. Other topics, or methods, always come in, but we all try our best to stay with the forum's focus. We come from mixed backgrounds and experience. The forum's main focus, is to support people who are practicing SFQ. To help them with their practice. Not reinvent the practice of qigong , or SFQ.

Qigong is both a concept , and a practice. As a practice , it is a very old, 'traditional' practice. As a concept, it began, when 'being' began with creation. It is not stagnant, or unchanging , although traditional. New information comes in through master's, or higher level practioners, that engage with higher spiritual realms. This is where the clearest, most beneficial, and timely, change happens, or new information comes in. This ,is a spiritual process, not an intellectual one.

Everyone is free to chose whatever they want too, regarding there own practice of self development. There are guidelines given , if one is engaged with practicing SFQ, that state that one should not 'mix' other methods, into the 'same session'. This isn't saying, don't practice other methods , or other systems are not good. It goes on to give a minimum 30 minute time period, between the practice of one system, and another. This probably relates to one complete cycle of qi, which I believe is 28 minutes, and while one is engaged, for instance, with a qigong exercise, there is a benefit to working relative to these cycles of qi, and focusing on one thing.

Master Lin is a very high level master, and, a very compassionate person. He sees, or knows, from his perspective, as the teacher. The system and guidelines, are his way of helping, from his perspective, for practioners to experience the fastest way, or best way from point a to point b, or further points. One can either accept that guidance, or not. Practicing SFQ, and not considering his suggestions, don't make a whole lot of sense to me.

I don't see what 'need's to be worked out' regarding the practice of SFQ and Holoosync, or any other system/method. SFQ is SFQ, and Holosync is Holosync. If one wants to practice SFQ, and gain the most benefit, there are guidelines given. Anyone can chose to follow them or not. Anyone can chose to practice whatever... The forum is here to help people practice SFQ. It is certainly okay to ask about other things, within the context of one's practice.

I haven't seen any increase in people engaged with SFQ and say, Holosync, in the time I have been here. The fact that LS happens to host the sight, and that they offer other self help programs, sometimes brings the same customer across lines. Many of those customers, engage with other self help programs too. It comes up periodically, as the same question, regarding the mixing of practices. Again, no one, I know of associated with SFQ, makes judgements about other systems. There simply is a practice of SFQ, and guidelines to that practice, given by Master Lin.

System is a very general term. Master Lin states that SFQ is a 'complete' system. This pretains to a balance that is within the practice, and also, the fact that a complete system address's all aspects of self, in regards to our multidimensionality(physical body, emotional body, spirit,etc.) There is a harmony and completeness, in the practice/lifestyle. It is very difficult to put together different methods from different systems, regarding specific aspects of self, and achieve the same degree of balance, focus, and harmony, within one's practice.

My own self practice continues to simplify. Quite the opposite of accumulation, or taking on more things. I continually make choices, that involve letting go of stuff, I have felt I needed to keep, or accumulate, and hold on too. Lately, I haven't been able to use the CD's effectively, for how I experience my practice. I find myself progressing more effectively, without them. We are all different concerning this aspect, but in general, you don't 'need' the tapes or CD's(tools), to practice and progress, once you learn the methods. One can also connect to Master Lin's energy, if that is involved, with or without the tools.

Speaking of paths, my own sense of path is very personal, not a wide path of many choices, although it could be. I have always had a prayer, regarding my desire to be on the 'center' of my path. It is there , where I perceive myself, fullfilling my purpose here, and living the best way I can. I don't make choices on my path, without the prayer my master's energy, to guide me, down the center. I always ask for help with progress, on my path. It is never an intellectually driven decision, but rather, a spiritual process. In my mind's eye, my path is not very wide, and, I manage to skirt the edge, a bit off center, alot! I find it easier , at my current stage in life(older!), to stay on it , and I often get glimpses of where it leads. It is, so much an experience for me, not of 'product,method, or way' choices. More to do with how I live my life, my actions, and being clear about my purpose here , and doing that work. Qigong practice as a lifestyle, helps me accomplish that at a higher level, as other things may help other people do their thing.

Some of the more subtle aspects of self, are not obviously addressed in SFQ practice, in the beginning levels. Say, like the emotional body. I happened to do some work with that aspect in another system, prior to SFQ. In the beginning, I thought that might be missing from SFQ. After having done all the levels, and more so, practiced, it is clear to me now , that this aspect of self, is very much addressed, for instance.. Learning how to manifest, is another thing I can see people looking for in self practices. Again, I did this through other systems, still traditional, but I am finding that where my qigong practice takes me, the things I felt I needed to manifest, don't look the same anymore. In the beginning of SFQ practice, what level I and II are primarily focused on, seems to be self healing, and healing others. There are, certainly seeds of more eternal aspects planted in that focus.
Enough said! Good conversation.