
I am a big believer of getting guidance from the Master's for ones Path. It has guided me through my life. When I didn't listen it was a rather costly lesson, but those are the ones you remember most.With a connection to your Masters I believe all things are possible. For me, when things are right life plays like a symphony. If I had to listen to the Tuba all the time I would atrophy into a blithering mess.

In all truth I believe that these teachings are all part of the same thing. SFQ has taught me things that my 1st spiritual teacher could not but it all went together very nicely, they both said pretty much the same thing but practiced it differently, or emphasized it differently.

The technics for Healing in Level 2 were way beyond what I had ever encountered. The use of energy from the hands was not but using Sword Fingers for Healing was a very nice change.

I believe I was guided to SFQ by the Masters
to further my training in this respect. I also believe the same of Holosync.

You gave a very good outline for practicing both systems without it being called Mixed Practices. This was my concern.

When I was young it always bothered me to ask an adult a question and they either got defensive because they didn't know or they just shrugged their shoulders. It motivated me to learn for myself. Because of that I teach my children how to learn, how to find out so that they are not limited by ignorance. It does not mean that I expect them to practise everything but they should know what it is about and how to use it properly. Because Dad has already learned the wrong way to do it and this is what happens.

We also learn from our mistakes and if we are honest with ourselves we admit the mistake, make adjustments and continually get better.

So maybe I made a mistake bringing up Holosync but you know I learned alot about how to practise both methods out of this and can advise others now. It was worth the price. So Thank all of you for putting me through the learning curve.
