
Thank you for your insights and sharing experience. My path started off with the concept of Self Mastery so I see no need to change now. It has evolved into what I am doing now. The Master who makes the steel is a wonderful example of how we grow and change. In my younger and weaker days I thoroughly enjoyed Martial Arts, I looked for the most traditional and disciplined way of doing that. Later the technics fell on the way side and this practice went to the next stage for me of developing my internal self, of Self Mastery. My teacher pointed out that the demons reside inside ourselfs not out here. It was not so much the point of fighting the internal demons because you cannot win with a fighting mind.

For lack of a better word you have to learn how to love your inner demons and thank them for being your teachers. Then they all go away, try and bring them back and they just ignore you. They become your allies and surface when you need them.

The making of the steel is a very spiritual process. The purification of the makers before the process begins. It is a very awe inspiring event, very healing and powerful. There is nothing like this anywhere else in this world. It is a process that can be used by one on the path, to work at loving and thanking everyone whenever you are hit with
lifes hammer because it is purifiying you and making you strong.

After awhile you will love the hammer and it like the demons will go away because you have gotten to that point where it no longer does any good to forge you.

The steel can be used for any purpose, it was originally developed for the sword. But it is the process that makes it sacred. Just the feeling of it tells you it is alive.

I was blessed one time to spend 10 days, one on one, with a Sword Master from Japan, Komei Sekiguchi Sensei. He watched me for days and finally he picked out 3 things to correct me on which changed me forever. These things went with me into my everyday life.Of course I died many times getting to that point but it was all in good fun.

In order to learn I had to let go of old martial attitudes and love what I was doing.
It was hard to do, then the sword became my friend and a friend who trusts you will do anything. A living Sword really knows the difference.

You had a wonderful experience with the Steel Master.
