
In regards to internal energy developement the training I had did not serve me. I noticed over the years that my energy level was sliding when it should have been going the other way, so despite all the other good things I had learned it wasn't complete. Also I had some injuries that weren't clearing up.

In somethings I can manifest easily and set about to answer this question I had about energy. I don't question what happens when it happens except maybe to make a joke about it. My sense of humor might seem odd but I think of the Masters as Family and talk to them as one might their rich uncle or auntie. This keeps things in perspective for me, they still have all the respect and if I borrow their power it is expected it will be returned in the same shape or better but I have a personal connection.

So the subject of Qigong and Feng Shui pretty much landed in my lap and found huge amounts of information on energy I never knew existed. Had I known this when I was a young man I would have sailed for China to become a Doctor.

My Grandmother was a Clairvoyiant and healer but I saw her use up all her energy healing others and die young. My mother had the gift but was afraid to use it. This was a problem I noticed when I was young but had no answer for it. So you could imagine the treasure I found on Level 1 SFQ. On Level 2 even more.

There are many Qigong Books you are very aware of, although SFQ explains things better and the application is simple. "Gee, here is someone who really knows what they are talking about".

One of my biggest problems with prior exercises I couldn't get the energy to travel up my spine. All the previous teachings of "Small Universe" were wrong and other exercises seemed weak. Possibly I didn't have a password or make that connection with the Universe like in meditation. My response to this was to tell the Masters and Universe it wasn't good enough. Put up or shut up.

They put up and I shut up. I could hear the laughter. OK you got me. Thank You.

Yes I practice most everyday the level one exercises. Although we spoke of Holosync before, I listen to the CD's and practise the Small Universe at the same time, this really works well for me. Yeah I know.

I know alot of Healers here on Maui and have done Qigong healing on them as well as myself and family with alot of success. At this time I have no aches or pains from previous injuries. Earlier this year I worked alot on my 1st Teacher who is 86 yrs old, he had a pinched nerve and in terrible pain. The doctors gave him lots of pills but nothing worked. I worked on him 4 times and finally it cleared. That might seem like alot but he is still a powerful man. Old defenses sometimes are hard to get through.
When it did clear it was like this beam of light went through him, he looked at me and told me he was done.

I have not seen what will happen beyond level 2. My work schedule does not allow me to travel when classes are going right now. Hopefully this answers your questions.
