Hi Jeff,
Sounds like you are a work in progress, just like the rest of us. It is wonderful that you are doing healing work. Sounds like you come by that naturally. In Master Lin's methods, one doesn't have to be concerned with depleting one's energy. When you open up to the universe, and also connect to spiritual energy, via the 'master's energy', you draw on limitless energy. I too, experienced a great difference with Master Lin's small universe meditation, versus previous one's I had learned. For me, the open breathing from all directions, regarding universal energy, and the infusion of spiritual energy, through the mantra sounds, literally, activated the experience. Just a better awareness of energy in general, and how to engage with it.

My own path as moved from a background in martial arts , to healing work. I found that my source of spiritual energy changed too. The master's energy I used to engage with, was a warrior energy. I still acknowledge and pay respects to an aspect of that, on occassion, but have moved more towards drawing on spiritual energy, that aligns with just healing work, and spiritual growth. I have found this aspect of my self practice, to be very significant, it how I have changed and transformed, through my practice. Although there are many positive attributes to martial arts, and the master's energy I experienced from that practice, I found even greater support, and more energy, coming from the universe and 'higher' spirits, to do healing work. I have found it to be a higher level activity. A higher calling...Again, this is not about good or bad, or making judgements on my part about anything else. I just share my own experience.
The diety/master's energy I used to engage with on a daily basis, as it turned out, had an aspect to them , that was interested in my work and self transformation regarding warrior energy. I found that there were actually greater challenges, to focus this energy towards. Working on positive emotional aspects of self, and self healing, was much more difficult, for me, than the more physically based energy work I did in martial arts. These new challenges provided something that satisfied my more martial base, and gradually moved me away from it, to something else. I did bring a part of that with me, but I no longer am based in that energy practice. I have relaxed, and softened out, alot, and feel I have shifted to a better place.
I hope you stick with the Spring Forest Qigong, and continue your healing work. If I was living in the georgeous natural environment you live in, I would be moved to find some special places to meditate, outside, and try the meditation without the CD's. I went to your area, once, many years ago, and felt I was in paradise.
It is , of course, your choice to do the Holosync and SF meditation together. I would suggest, at least trying them separately, for a set time period, to compare your experience. If there are negative side effects, it might be, hard to discern what they are, being in it. It might, even effect your ability to discern if there is or isn't.
It's been good talking with you.