
My Grandmother read the bible everyday and used it for her spiritual guidance. Her healing was her calling. Where she came from in her youth didn't offer much in the way of teachers for that sort of thing. Poverty and education really limit what a person can do. I believe she was able to remove the sickness from others but she accepted it into herself because she didn't know any better. She died from the accumulation of this but it was her mission in life. She was always happy even when she was her sickest because I'm sure she believed she had helped someone.

It is easy to look around now and have solutions for this because so many good teachers have come forward, but I think we also have to give thanks to those who gave their lives for something they believed in and brought us the truth. Not unlike past martial artists who developed technics or meditators who charted safe paths. Qigong Masters who charted also, many died learning what we know now.

On Maui we have a Borders Book store that probably has more diverse literature in it than any other I have visited. I think this is one of the most wonderful places in the world because all this information is available.

By transferance I received what my Grandmother knew and her technics but there are much better ways. What I still use from that is the ability to talk to almost anything and her light happiness that she was helping whoever came into her path because God had sent them. As a family we read tea leaves to predict the future, it always seems correct but it is done for fun.

My Mother still has the big old bible that has oil, from Gradmothers hands, on every page. She read it that much.

She had a manuscript, it was said, of a unpublished section of white magic which was from a very old bible. When she had gotten very weak a competitor of hers hired men to break into her house and steal the manuscript. She could not stop them but it was never delivered, the men suffered a car crash but they escaped unharmed. The car burst into flames and the manuscript destroyed.

Thank you for sharing and may you always find happiness in your calling.

Be Beautiful