
I am a Ship's Engineer, that is what I make a living at. I had often thought that a ship is a living entity. Many times over the years I have been woke up out of a dead sleep, got up and went to an existing problem with the machinery before anyone knew of it. I considered that the spirit of the ship woke me up. Often I talk to it like an old cowboy might talk to his horse. As a referance I found a book "The Secret Life of Plants" which Dr Bose found that metal responds just like muscle tissue. This gave me the first referance to such a thing. I have troubleshooted many thing electrical and mechanical and waited until it told me what was wrong, sometimes how to fix it.

In florida one time I was resting after a job and it began to rain. A cricket chirped up and I swear he was warning me of a flood.
It was a flood to him but not me. I dug him out and took him to safety. It was kinda humourous.

On Maui one night several years ago I was fishing down at the harbor. There had been a Monk Seal in the area earlier who would come up on the beach when he saw people. The DNLR personnel would run down there when they got a report and tape off the area to protect the seal. He had disappeared for days and everyone was worried, it was in the paper, a big deal.

As I was fishing Mr Monk Seal shows up right in front of me all in a fuss. He's upset he can't socialize with people on the beach without the yellow tape people showing up.
I give him the "Eh Brudda , plenty people worried about you." I explain they are only trying to help him, but he is lonely. Finally he seems to have a good laugh and then swims off. Aloha Brother.

In Alaska the Ravens are good fun to talk to. They have a curious nature and share their insights. Otters probably my favorite to observe.

Trees and plants are much the same, some are friendly and others a bit stuffy. The book above goes into that in great depth.

I think if you wear a smile in your heart or talk like you would with someone you completely trust and are intimate with, there is always a positive response. Beings respond to the type of energy you project.

You quiet your mind and read the energy they send back to you. Your intuition acts like a pocket translator. Somehow you muddle through communicating but probably more important is the exchange of energy. For me it is simple and invigorating doing this. There is no agenda, no politics, no stress just a simple exchange.

I hope that is somewhat helpful in explaining.
