Hello, fellow retreaters...and John from last Aug's retreat! Yes, it was awesome! I am so glad your hand is doing so well, Pete, although we all knew it would! Your shared experiences with the opening of your third eye were great! I, too had some earth shattering experiences, but not with my third eye. Mine were more emotional (altho I am not an emotional person) and cleansing. My last one was when I actually thought I was going to pass out at the final group healing..I was dripping with sweat, I was so nauseous I thought I was going to throw up..I backed up and sat down on a chair that was behind me without having to break the circle... that was very important to me - not breaking the circle. The feeling lasted until the end of the ceremony, then it was immediately gone. There was just too much energy swirling around the room! One very important insight that I got was a reminder that as I look into the eyes of another, I am looking into my own - when I am forgiving someone, I am forgiving myself - when I am sharing love with others, I am loving myself. We are truly ONE! The way it was expressed to me was unique and totally filled with love. There were so many experiences felt by me and others that it will last a lifetime!