Hi All
This is really the first opportunity I've had since the retreat to sit down and write to offer my deepest thanks and love to Master Lin who is without doubt the most generous, gifted, caring, wonderful, amazing man and teacher I've ever had the pleasure to meet, to his fantastic assistants who were so helpful to us all (and for me particularly, Gallen and Sue), to Pete, Paul, Shawn and all the wonderful support staff from Learning Strategies, and to my fellow retreaters - wow what a bunch!!

I had the experience of a lifetime, and although I had some very minor niggling doubts before, I can say in all honesty now that I truly believe that SFQ is the most amazing and powerful healing (in all meanings of the word) modality that there is in this world.

Like many of you have already observed, I too had very powerful experiences in smelling the lotus scent at each of the meditations, and the group healings had the most amazing energy I have ever experienced - shooting up and down my body like electricity bolts. I also experienced some very emotional periods with lots of tears and confusion, and in a couple of the meditations my heart opened which was a very powerful and wonderful thing.

A large cyst (the size of an egg before the retreat)in my left breast is now all but gone.

Obviously - I'm in awe and can't wait until the next retreat!

With love to all