Thanks Shawn, I must have gotten the 1 hour version when I order the CDs.

I have modified some of the meditation and tacked them together. Like taking the ending off Small Universe and some of the beginning off of the Sun and Moon meditation.

Just playing the two meditations in a row is disruptive if you have to go through the closing and openings. So I've made the blended meditations for when I do my long session. I've copied the retreat meditation format.

I also like using the two meditation music with the opening from small universe. Normally I find it more relaxing to follow my own rythmn of ohm wa. My natural rythmn is much slower that the guided meditation.

The recordings are a good way to control your time, without having your conscious mind being involved.

Oh, and no snow yet. We've had a few mornings of frost, but no white stuff yet. I'm thinking it will be late coming this year. *fingers crossed*

You are perfection.