There are many ways.
It is helpful, to look at everything as energy.
The plus side and negative side to that energy. Regarding that perspective, you help, by merely doing positive energy work. Your qigong self practice is a positive thing. In its own way, it helps the big picture, as everything, is connected, and everything is energy. It is a proactive practice in regards to 'positive' energy work.
There are specifics to this 'event'. Alot of people, all of a sudden, died. I saw in our newspaper today, a picture of a Buddhist monk in Hong Kong, releasing some doves, and doing a prayer to help all those souls, be released to the 'light'. Think of this in relation to your qigong practice. This action, and the intention within this monks work. That physical action or expression, releasing the doves, along with prayer/intention, and visualization most likely experienced, perhaps seeing these traumatized spirits/souls, perhaps as light or smaller flames, and seeing them move to the greater light, like the sun we visualize in healing meditations.
It isn't easy to tell you what to specifically visualize, and, it might limit what you might see, going in with your own heartfelt intentions. The image, can come from that, or not. This event has moved you, emotionally, and that emotion can fuel your intentions, going into a meditation to 'help'.
Go into meditation with the intention of helping this situation, and let that intention lead you to your visualization of helping. Or, you can simply open up your wanting to help, to your masters energy. Seeing, is not necessary. Your intention and prayers are enough to move the energy, regardless of a visualization aspect to this. I would bet, that if you simply prayed your intention, with the help of your master's energy, you probably would have 'some' experience of what you did, or are doing, as you sit in silence/emptiness 'after' putting out that signal.
I would also offer you this perspective to consider. This was, an event stemming from a dramatic earth change. In a way, this started with something happening within the earth. Consciously bringing healing energy to the earth, is working with core aspects to what is in play here too. The earth is effected by human goings on. Her healing, can take the form of this type of physical event. Just like 'your' body shaking as it self heals as qi runs through it. The need for the earth to heal, can stem from negative human activity.
Again, positive and negative energy are in play. Do something positive, or do positive work of any kind, and it helps this big picture. Dealing with the specifics of this event, is also positive 'energy' work. So, in a way, you already are doing the 'work'. You can , include in that work, focus on this particular event. Help guide the spirits caught in the trauma of the event, in a healing way, as this monk did. Bring light to Mother Earth through your own qigong practice, as you connect to heaven and ground that energy in her. Pray for healing concerning all involved.
I also feel, for instance, the war in Iraq, or other unfortunate energy events. Visualize peace there. In our group meditations, we used the color green to bring peace to areas. Everything is connected. This is not an isolated event, but rather one connected to many things, positive and negative. You can be specific in how you help this, or very unspecific. It is the positive energy work, and aligning with that purpose of doing positive energe work, that helps. You can work with that in specific ways related to specific things/events, or just work with light and bringing that light to Mother Earth and all living things, or the whole of the universe.