Aloha All,

Warm wishes this New Year to all.

I don't know if Dr. Emoto actually sent this (you never know these days), but it addresses how your energy, prayers, and intentions make a difference individually and as a community in our Group Healing sessions.

Much Love, Shawn

Subject: Urgent Message from Masaru Emoto (Dec 30, 2004)

Project of Love and Thanks to Water

Urgent Message from Masaru Emoto

December 30, 2004

Dear Friends:

If you are reading this e-mail more than once, I would like to
apologize to you in advance.

On behalf of Dr. Masaru Emoto, President of "Project of Love and Thanks to Water", I am sending this e-mail as a Secretary-General.

Around 8:00 AM on December 26 (10:00 AM in Japanese Standard Time),
a strong earthquake of M9.0 occurred off Sumatra, the western part of Indonesia, and a massive scale of tsunami attacked the nations around the Indian Ocean such as Sri Lanka, India, Thailand and Malaysia.

According to the today's news, the number of victims was reported to be around seventy thousand, and it is said that it will exceed hundred thousand eventually. We express our sincere condolence to those who died from this disaster.

Regarding this earthquake and tsunami off Sumatra, Masaru Emoto, President of this Project, has a special message to you.

Please read it and, if you could deliver it to your friends and acquaintances in a moderate manner, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much,
Yasuyuki Nemoto


Prayers can limit the secondary disaster. To everyone in the world, let us offer a prayer of love to the Indian Ocean rim countries!!

Masaru Emoto
President of the Project of Love and Thanks to Water


I feel terribly sorry for the loss that has been caused by the biggest catastrophe of tsunami in history. I am utterly lost for words to offer for the deceased and their family. I just pray to god that their souls shall rest in peace.

Just today, WHO has released a warning for the possible emergence of epidemics. It has reported that at the moment, the hygiene has dramatically worsened, and the epidemic such as cholera could spur in any minute. If so, as many people could die from infectious diseases as were killed by the tsunami.

As a Hado (vibration) researcher, I am truly worried about this disaster. As well as the hygiene issue, I feel that the "vibrational fields" of the countries have extremely deteriorated. The "field" is created by feelings of fear, grief, worry, lack of trust, anger, loneliness, and helplessness, and could energize the malevolent
microorganisms that prefer this kind of environment.

People cannot help but have these feelings, and they probably carry the feelings with them. Many people feel this way, and there seems to be some plundering going on, but their feeling of anger and hostility can only multiply the negativity of the "field". Also, we must take
into account the emergence of a new epidemic.

We have to limit the negative "field" in any way possible. I believe that there is already a spreading Hado (vibration) of fear due to the terrorist attack and bombing, and it is like a gasoline station with an oil leak that is about to explode.

What can we do? The only way is for people from all over the world to pray for the recovery of the affected area. The prayer will definitely carry far with the purity of its Hado. Therefore, from today, let's close our eyes for a few second before our meal and send words of prayer to the countries. Let's send a prayer for them before we go to sleep. Also, when we pray during the end of year and the new year ceremony, let us send a prayer first and foremost for world peace.

Through the research of the water crystal over the last ten years, I have proven that people's pure energy of consciousness can change the water in areas that people have prayed for, regardless of the distance. Also, the most effective Hado prayer is the feeling of Love and Thanks. Now is the time to send everyone's feeling of Love and
Thanks to the earth's water.

Please forward this message to everyone you know.


We appreciate your kind participation, cooperation and support.
Thank you very much.

Yasuyuki NEMOTO
Secretary-General, Project of Love and Thanks to Water

President: Masaru Emoto
Secretary-General: Yasuyuki Nemoto
East Side Bldg. 1F, 1-1-11 Yanagibashi,
Taito-ku, Tokyo 111-0052, JAPAN
TEL: +81-(0)3-3863-0211, FAX: +81-(0)3-3866-5353
E-MAIL: mailto:love@t...
This project started on July 1, 2002.
The purpose of this project is to raise the collective consciousness of humanity through the prayer of our Love and Thanks to Water, and by this to contribute to establish the world peace.

This message is free to distribute.
We appreciate it if you could deliver this message to
as many people as possible in a moderate way.
Thank you in advance.

[This message has been edited by Shawn_Grim (edited January 04, 2005).]