I can only speak for myself but the energy level was incredible. The group meditations were, for lack of better wording, out of this world.

One of my experiences during the silent meditation, I was working on doing Small Universe and trying to get a flame to light and go with the breathe. No deal, wouldn't work.

All of a sudden this Golden Flamey Dragon shows up and asks if he could help me with that. Of course I agree and he shrinks down and enters my Small Universe eating blockages as he kind of waddles along commenting about how good they are. As he eats each one he grows bigger and more graceful and I feel this energy, heat and light all through my Small Universe.

At the end all I could say was "Thank you Dear Dragon, please come again"

During the Group Healings many people standing in the outside circle, myself included, felt they might fall down because the energy pulsing was so incredible.

Everyone made many new friends and there were many awesome healing stories as well.

The food was excellent.

I walked out with a couple of my self contained comments.

It's good to train with a young Master.

Life is good or maybe just Fantastic.
