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Hi Nacho,
It is good to hear that you still pursue a practice. Two years is a good amount of time, and we all have more to learn! Being more energy sensitive is a good thing. Sometimes difficult to experience!

Regarding your original post:
- No debate here... You didn't get a coldsore during your session, in the sense of it being a negative result of the session, or, anything regarding negative energy present from the outside getting in.
- Energy blockages , when released, or partially released, or stirred up , or touched, can produce unpleasant side effects, or physical manifestations, or feelings. It can be, so much so, that it really challenges the person to want to go forward. It doesn't feel good, so why go there.. Self healing can be very challenging, and one can come to very unpleasant experiences during the process. It is critical to define sensations, post session, post clearing, as a 'healing' process taking place, regardless of the sensation. It could very well be pain. If the mind starts to go negative, cut it off before the thought completes. Support the healing process.

- Being cleared by a practioner or a master, during a session, 'on a physical level', is the same as doing a session of active qigong or inactive, where you have focused on clearing blockages and gone through the steps, empowering them with your intention. That is all it is. The healer detects blockages and removes them. Some people are self empowered, some prefer outside help, some utilize both.

- Good work done can easily be undone by one's own negative thoughts, doubts, fears, thought patterns, behavior patterns, reactions to things, environment(including relationships)...

- A qigong practice is a lifestyle. You shouldn't look at a single or isolated session and judge it(discernment is okay, and different than judgement charged with negative energy) You are outside the practice of mindfullness(non negative thinking/manifesting) at that point. If your knee hurts, and you have a session to clear it, and then you judge the results negatively, or look for negatives, or pain, or do ANYTHING other than support the clearing and healing process, you can easily undo the benefit of the session. It 'is', our individual responsibility to heal ourselves. Going to Master Lin is an opportunity for support in you helping yourself. If you don't support the healer helping you, it is hard to make clear progress, or any progress.

- The spiritual aspect or potential within a session is not as easy to define. Again, nothing negative happened outside your own choosing to look there. There is a channeled aspect to working with spiritual energy. Often something comes in and is 'given' to the person needing help. What form that gift takes? what seed is planted, or possible understanding and growth,,,, the healer often doesn't know. It is a blessing though...

-It takes focus and intention to create, build and/or spread negative energy. This is simply not part of the SFQ picture, Master Lin, the healing center, or his private healing space.

- If one is overwhelmed with the nature of a condition or blockage, it is okay to see a doctor and move on both fronts. If the blockage involves how you feel, emotionally, or how you see things or experience reality, it can be quite challenging. Medications may not be tuned in, or help. From a qigong standpoint, patience is required, diligence... Continual practice. One's mind and thinking can take you two steps backwards, while your practice brings you one step forwards. No self judgement on whatever has gone down... New beginnings are there, anytime. Let it go...go back to your practice.
Nacho,,,,It would be nice to see you again and catch up. I am busy through the next few wks, but drop me an email and let's get something on the calendar.

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Joined: Nov 2004
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Thanks for a superb post.
Thanks to all to replied to Nacho's request for help, and thanks to Nacho for asking and provoking such profound and inspiring replies.
Nacho, my heart goes out to you, and my prayers and love too.

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Well, thankyou all for your comments. Since I can't possibly respond to them all, please know that I have taken all your responses into consideration and will continue reading through any future replies as I continue to work through this situation of mine. Aside from that, please allow me to update you with what I'm experiencing and respond to whatever comments I remember at the time of writing this.

First and foremost, Gallen, while reading your post SPECIFICALLY I was able to feel the energy in my body from my upper dantian up into my head and face. Why this was I have no idea, but I thought you might like to know. Otherwise, if I can manage to check my what future work schedule looks like I'll send you an email and maybe we can work something out. (oh man, do I feel woozy. After I was done with your post I slowly moved back down to my lower dantian whilst experiencing some unusual, and unpleasant side effects).

To Iam2, when calling upon my Master's for help I make it a point to make my requests very broad. You say "ask for the 'good' things to be part of your everyday life" and that's just not me. I really don't know what's good for me, or what should be part of my life so when I call upon my Master's energy it will usually be something more like "Please send me energy to help me have the best meditation I can possibly have today... Please send me energy to help me with my situation.... Please send me energy to help me understand... etc.". Then I do my best to experience what my Masters think is the best route for me.

After writing last night's reply I asked my Masters in the same style for help. What resulted was the torment in my heart doubling causing me to scream two or three times at the top of my lungs. What resulted was a completely unexpected much-needed surge of relaxation.

I really don't know how you, or the people here giving me their advice and comments work through their qigong, but I make sure to put as much awareness as I possibly can on my heart (or heart chakra). I... sigh...

Bleh, I'm starting to wear myself out. I was hoping to give you guys another overview of my qigong went today, but I'm having trouble finding the enrgy. Breifly, I realized I wasn't capable of meditating (and don't anybody give the "it's in your mind" crap - my body (specifically my heart) was not up to the challenge (though I really shouldn't call it that)).

Again, I hope whatever point I was trying to make was clearly stated because I'm not to reread all of that. Thanks for your time, and comments.


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I wish I knew a good joke right now. It is easy to get too serious and not have a good laugh here and there. Master Lin is great at that.

Non thought is a very healthy state to experience. It is easy to say and talk about, but it is not so easy to really understand and do. Something to exercise and get better at.
Non thought is just that. No positive thoughts, no negatives. Nothing.
You have this intense 'after the sessions/during the sessions time' where you feel things, then analyze and critique them. It would be beneficial to try and lighten up. There are different ways to work with the mind. The mind may respond to you giving it a rest. That can be a welcome shift. If not, give your mind a focus. A focus can be as simple as the smile, which for you, would be very beneficial. You smile, then turn that smile inward. Nothing else, no thoughts, a smile, that feeling, the face and brow relax, then, you give that to yourself. An internal hug. The mind has no business in that. It gives you a powerful, healing, break. Calms the spirit.
A thought, can be stopped before it is complete. There is a Taoist method I read of once that spoke of immediately cutting off the thought with a sword. A quick response to a forming thought. If the thought doesn't complete, it is very different, than if it does, as far as practice experience goes, and as far as manifestation goes. You don't loose anything, by stopping it. You recognize that you are self aware , and can experience the perspective of 'you' and your mind as separate.
If my mind responds to me giving it a rest, great. If it doesn't, pull out the sword, or give it a focus. Self discipline. The smile can be a focus, or just being present, neutralizing thoughts as they arise. Not 'reacting' to feelings, analyzing feelings, or judging them. Moving from the feeling, to then smiling inward to embrace yourself, is an act of self compassion. You are compassionate, towards self, as a response to thinking. A loving, or compassionate response, as opposed to a thinking/analyzing one. You allow the feeling to move, allow the energy to move, you smile inward, no thinking, or, a feeling of self love and compassion towards yourself, the human experience and compassion towards that and the work you do for yourself. thoughts come up, ,,,again, you stop them in their tracks,hard or soft,(preferrably soft) go back to the smile, go back to a focus. Melt back into butter.
Small universe is not just running laps. I would speculate, that many people learn it, and the smile, although an aspect that is taught, fades. It doesn't matter if it feels mechanical at first to do this. It will get smoother. It is a detail to alignment, like tucking the chin and lengthening the spine. You revisit it in your meditation when it needs another spin.
When you leave your meditation or active exercise, don't shift so readily to the mind and all the thinking. Try to extend the soft edge of the session. Take that with you, continue to be aware of the mind and thinking part. Don't necessarily give up that self awareness and get lost in thought. If you didn't have a thought for a whole day, you would find yourself in a very different place. It is, very difficult work doing this. You can become very tired montoring thoughts. Just like any exercise, you take a break, perhaps a day off, then try it again.
Even just sitting , focused on a candle flame or any point or thing. A single focus, no thoughts, practice neutralizing them, stopping them, go back to the focus. You may only make it seconds, before thoughts arise or you lose focus. Fine. You are still centering in self awareness,,,,,working with it. When you practice movement, you just practice. You know it will improve, and the practice itself has great merit.
Next time you exercise or meditate, try responding to feelings with non thought and smiling inward. Even if you only accomplish ten seconds. Build on that. Feel good about being able to have an effect. A choice. A positive response.

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good to see you back writing again on this forum. I've missed your knowledge and caring.

I hope you keep working through your energy clearings - it may take time as Gallen says, but I'm sure that challenging as it may be, it will be worth it. Master Lin is love, purity and goodness personified - and you will only ever receive what is good for you from him in his healings.

Is there any chance you could consider surrendering your sensations, thoughts, feelings and visions (everything you want to let go) to the Universe or Master Lin or whoever you call on for guidance during your practice?

Give yourself a well-deserved break from analysing and worrying over the pain, meaning or why it's happening to you - just watch it, let it be and let it go. Don't get caught up in it.

I know that it's easier said than done, but if you could just trust that these challenges are happening as they're meant to - and understand that we don't always need to know the answers or understand why things happen the way they do - we may get through them more easily.

Keep at it and trust Master Lin - he know what he's doing!


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What you're suggesting is undoable. A coldsoar I can ignore no problem, its external and merely a distracting sensation. This does not go the same for my heart. When my heart(or chest, or whatever you wanna you call it) is in torment it effects my very ability to think. Its not outside me, and something I can just step away from, I cannot stress this any further.

And the same goes for analyzing. I have my own methods for dealing with these problems. Its nice to hear your interpretations, and ideas for what might be happening in and out of my body, but please stop telling me how to deal with it, its making me very uncomfortable. I've been at this for nearly three years now (maybe not a lot to some of you), I've experienced these types of feelings before, and if your regular here you'll know I've been griping about them for some time. I've heard every suggestion in the book, and in the end I've this is what works best for me so Thankyou, but no Thankyou.

My energy's still a little unstable though, so I'll have to cut this post short. Please comment in my other thread if you have the chance. I would find that more helpful than any further replies in this topic right now.



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Hi Matt,
I am not going to let you off easily with this one.
Qigong has very clear perameters and technique.
It is easy to "observe" if someone is standing incorrectly in a stance. Move your foot here, relax your shoulders, whatever. The same holds true for where your focus is, your mind relative to practice, and also how to view side effects, whether it is physical or emotional discomfort or pain.
You offered up your feelings, thoughts , etc.
We didn't have to analyze anything, or interpret anything. Just observations based on what 'you' came here with, and responses that fall into the category of qigong technique or method. It is no different than looking at your stance. Where your feet are, or where your head(thoughts) is, where your heart(feelings) is. You gave us that information. Again, there is method in qigong. A way to do it that makes it the most effective.
Your initial post is totally clear. I felt no confusion about your experience. I gave a simple answer. "no debate". Master Lin did not give you a coldsore. It doesn't work that way. Facts. What medical qigong is. How it works. What works best as far as how to facilitate it's effectiveness. All given method and facts.
"Master freaking Lin" ???? pretty clear to me. Positive, or negative charge... Happy or angry? Good for you, or not?
"Stop telling you how to deal with it?"
Why did you come here and post?
'No one is doing other than offering their understanding of qigong method.'
Take a break, go back when you can and read your first post. Where was your focus during that session. Did you react in a negative way, unnecesarily. Do you understand that the underlying intention to Master Lin's session with you was to help, and that despite where your thoughts were, that is all that happened. Someone was helping you. Again, this is medical qigong. Master Lin just cleared you. Unpleasant side effects are possible, and there is "qigong method" , understanding,,,,,,technique, in how to work with that. If you don't agree with the technique's offered, based on what you have shared with us,,,,,that's cool.
I sincerely hope you find happiness. Stick with your practice. If you want help, great, if you don't, that's fine to. If you come here and ask though, you are going to get a response, and the responses are based in qigong method, and the best understanding we have of it.

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You got a coldsoar. I got a headache that lasted for many days. But that was a signal for me. I knew that I need to clear some things in my life; in my thoughts and associations. I will never give up my SFQ practice and I have only just begun. I know it's one of the best things I can ever do for myself. And I am looking forward to really helping someone else in the near future. If you really want to be helped, you'll keep working on it. If not, just stop. Don't harm anyone else with your negativity.

I wish you everything you feel you deserve.

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Ha, you know, I was going to reply very negatively to your post since I was very offended by your assertation that I'm "spreading around" "negative energy". But the anger I'm experiencing is actually helping me very much at the moment so thankyou.


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Gallen, as mean as this sounds, I haven't read your reply and I probably never will. Sorry, but I just can't take your advice, and your posts are still giving me a very woozy feeling. The only conclusion I can come to is that your replying more from more head than your heart, and that its somehow affecting me, but I'm not going to make an argument out of it because frankly... I can't.


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