Aloha Claire,

Here is a clip from a recommended reading email going out today from Pete Bissonette.

The book answers the question you are asking regarding DNA from a scientific perspective.

You can see more information regarding it on our recommended reading list here

The Biology Of Belief:
Unleashing The Power Of
Consciousness, Matter,
And Miracles
* * *
By Bruce H. Lipton
* * *

Chunyi Lin (creator of Spring Forest Qigong)
and Gary Rebstock (remember him? the TV
anchorman?) told me about this book, and it
completely blew me away.

The book shows that genes and DNA do NOT
control our biology -- our bodies.

Instead DNA is controlled by signals from
outside the cell, including the energetic
messages emanating from our positive and
negative thoughts.

Dr. Lipton's profoundly hopeful synthesis of
the latest and best research in cell biology
and quantum physics is being hailed as a major
breakthrough, showing that our bodies can be
changed as we retrain our thinking.

It explains clearly, and in a language that
most people can understand, why practicing
Spring Forest Qigong works! Or, Diamond Feng
Shui! Or, the principles in Abundance for Life!

This book is a must-read.

Last edited by Shawn_Grim; 06/13/06 05:49 PM.