I apologize, I didn't read the whole thread.

bdavis, as stated above, don't let the finger exercise prevent you from discover what SFQ can offer your life.

hartreefoch, I have a science background, and that might be why I found something like SFQ later in life. It might be why it was important to me to find something like SFQ. I tend to think that it is my gift I bring to SFQ and something I needed before I was ready for my SFQ journey.

As for finger growing trickery.... well the idea has crossed my mind more than once. However, when I've looked at hypnosis and self-hypnosis, and other meditation and meditation like practices, I find a lot of commonalities. For me SFQ still remains the one with best harmony. I can see all others things I looked at as subsets or variants of what I've learned in SFQ. However, the reverse is not true, for me.

As for casting your seeds, what grows isn't only dependent on what you cast but apon what it lands. I don't think you need free rebuke in this forum. I've read some of your posts in Beyond Human, and for the most part I think they are well received. However, I always keep the saying, "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.", in mind when trying to help. You can be ready to teach, but you can't make people ready to learn.

You are perfection.