In the past year, I've began reading up on quantum physics, mysticism, and practicing meditation. Also began the development of my sixth sense. Seeing auras, feeling energy - all manifested in this past year.

As the time past, i kept getting the ever-increasing feeling of, "I need to get the hell out of here" ( I lived in a small town of 1200 people). It was a feeling in my solar plexus that made me feel like i was literally dying, or going crazy. I found that when i would travel out of town to a large city like portland (or others further away), that the feeling would disapeer. But when i would come back the apprehension grew as i came nearer.

As my ability to sense energy grew, I realized that my town had a specific "feeling", or vibration to it. As did the other small towns that dotted the area have their own unique vibrations.

I had always found it curious that natives of a small town like mine, could instantly tell if someone was not from that area. I believe that as a town has its own vibration to it, the people adopt that vibration as well - they just have smaller variations within it (101.4, 101.7...). So when a person who is vibrating at a main frequency of say 103 comes into a town of 101, the people can tell right away that something's different about them.

So to me, the reason for the crazy feeling i was having was largely due to the place that i was in. I had lived there since childhood, and everyone had an assumption about "who i am". So naturally, if I was going to continue to develop and change myself, i needed to escape the people who knew the "old" me.

Anyways, i don't want to write too long for this opening post (in case i am percieved as crazy), i just would like to know if anyone else has had experiences or feelings similar to these. Any thoughts?