I'd like to present two ideas:

1. When I was young (and the dinosaurs roamed ), many of my spiritual teachers spoke of several categories of group souls--note, their meaning may differ from how the term is used now--and each community, city, even country has one. I actually find some validity in this notion, and like you, I can feel the differences in places (other than the scenery) whenever I travel.

2. As an astrologer, I just have to give credence to what some people call "the astrology of place" or "placement." When we are born, looking at the astrological map from a global perspective, we find that each planet will be on the midheaven, the ascendant (rising), the descendant (setting), and the I.C. SOMEWHERE in the world.

Depending on the configuration of the planets at the moment of birth, even a person's birth place might feel uncomfortable--or absolutely perfect. As a person travels, they find themselves almost naturally drawn to or repelled by places as they enter different planetary zones.

This type of astrology is usually called "astro-mapping" or "astro*cartography" but it can also be called by its older name: "relocation astrology." Places like the A.R.E. offer charts for you to see where you stand in the (truly) grand scheme of things, and which places might be more fortunate for which kind of purpose, etc. Or there are computer programs which will draw the maps for you--but really, it's better to get one of the ones that interprets it for you. The maps themselves tend to resemble a bowl of spaghetti, or so my non-astrologer husband tells me with some agitation.