Dear OceanicHumor,

I respect the opinions of the other respondents, and I hope that whatever
worldview we adopt to make sense of our lives, let it be helpful and not

I would like to add my 2 cents, for what its worth.

First, your intuition may just be telling you that it's time to uproot and
move on to somewhere else, like you were saying. Life is a journey, and
moving on is symbolic of progression along your path. After all, if
humankind did not move on in every generation, we would all still be
living in central Africa.

Regarding your hypothesis about people having some kind of locational
frequencies associated with them, I would suggest that old-timers are able
to spot new-comers simply by observing the new-comer's behavior, accent,
mannerisms, apparel, and other personal and interpersonal cues. You might
call this a "sixth sense" but whatever you wish to label it, it's simply a
keen intuition about people. After all, we're all able to spot a tourist
in a town, because she stands out like a sore thumb.

If people really had locational frequencies, it's very easy to test:
simply gather a test group of 15 people from 5 different cities, where 3
people belong to the same city. Then, see if the alleged
"locational-frequency-sensing guru" can pick out which people belong
together in the same cities. That is, in a room of 15 people, can the
guru arrange the people into 5 groups of 3 people in each group, according
to the cities they belong to? (The number of people/cities can vary, but
I hope you get the point of the test.)

Of course, to make this test more objective, we would eliminate all
obvious geographical cues, such as making sure they're all wearing the
same uniforms, aren't allowed to talk, etc. We can also make sure the
test subjects were all born and raised in their respective cities, to
avoid possible contamination of frequencies due to moving. My point is
that your idea of locational frequencies is straightforward to test, and
if your idea is correct, then a guru will be able to select out these
individuals according to their respective cities without any trouble at

Hopefully, we base our beliefs on what is real. Sure, it's ok to propose
new and different ideas, but the key is to put them to the test, and if
they don't hold water, why become attached to them?

I hope that helps, and I wish you the very best,