I too have noticed the differences in the "feeling" of places. Sometimes I am more aware of the differences than other times. I imagine this is because of my state of consciousness. I don't notice the "feeling" of my hometown that much, but when I travel there are times that is becomes very pronounced. Some towns seem to have a stronger or more pronounced "feeling". I live in a state adjacent to Oregon, and my wife and I often travel to central Oregon to visit her parents. There are some towns where this is almost palpable. Walla Walla, Washington, on the border of Oregon is one of those town that has a very "distinct feeling" for me.

I have also noticed in my travels that when are reside in some places that are very "foreign" to me, I become more "psychic". One of those places, is Italy. I frequently travel there for work, and "psychic skills" that I practice at home with limited or mixed sucess, work beyond my wildest imagination there. The last time I was in Bologna, Italy I had a free day from work before my flight home. I spent the day meditating at the Bascilica, wandering the city, and observing people. By mid-morning after a few hours, my state of consciousness changed and I was reading peoples minds. I knew what they were thinking, their worries, their joys, their emotional states, even details of their lives...

I also travel to Las Vegas for work. The first time I was there, I got a tremendous headache within minutes of landing on the tarmac. It took almost half an hour to realize that it was the frantic "energy" of city that was causing a negative feeling in my head. As soon as I realized the source of the problem, I put up a "psychic energy shield" and within 5 minutes, my headache was gone. I was there for a week and I did have to spend time each day "re-inforcing" my sheild to keep the negative "feelings" away. The days that I skipped "recharging my shield", I could feel the weight of the city pressing down on me. It was a NASCAR race week so all the hotels were full and I had to stay downtown in a hotel/casino. The "feeling of negative energy" was extremely strong in the casino.
