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#55405 07/27/06 06:24 AM
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In the past year, I've began reading up on quantum physics, mysticism, and practicing meditation. Also began the development of my sixth sense. Seeing auras, feeling energy - all manifested in this past year.

As the time past, i kept getting the ever-increasing feeling of, "I need to get the hell out of here" ( I lived in a small town of 1200 people). It was a feeling in my solar plexus that made me feel like i was literally dying, or going crazy. I found that when i would travel out of town to a large city like portland (or others further away), that the feeling would disapeer. But when i would come back the apprehension grew as i came nearer.

As my ability to sense energy grew, I realized that my town had a specific "feeling", or vibration to it. As did the other small towns that dotted the area have their own unique vibrations.

I had always found it curious that natives of a small town like mine, could instantly tell if someone was not from that area. I believe that as a town has its own vibration to it, the people adopt that vibration as well - they just have smaller variations within it (101.4, 101.7...). So when a person who is vibrating at a main frequency of say 103 comes into a town of 101, the people can tell right away that something's different about them.

So to me, the reason for the crazy feeling i was having was largely due to the place that i was in. I had lived there since childhood, and everyone had an assumption about "who i am". So naturally, if I was going to continue to develop and change myself, i needed to escape the people who knew the "old" me.

Anyways, i don't want to write too long for this opening post (in case i am percieved as crazy), i just would like to know if anyone else has had experiences or feelings similar to these. Any thoughts?

OceanicHumor #55406 07/27/06 01:28 PM
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I'd like to present two ideas:

1. When I was young (and the dinosaurs roamed ), many of my spiritual teachers spoke of several categories of group souls--note, their meaning may differ from how the term is used now--and each community, city, even country has one. I actually find some validity in this notion, and like you, I can feel the differences in places (other than the scenery) whenever I travel.

2. As an astrologer, I just have to give credence to what some people call "the astrology of place" or "placement." When we are born, looking at the astrological map from a global perspective, we find that each planet will be on the midheaven, the ascendant (rising), the descendant (setting), and the I.C. SOMEWHERE in the world.

Depending on the configuration of the planets at the moment of birth, even a person's birth place might feel uncomfortable--or absolutely perfect. As a person travels, they find themselves almost naturally drawn to or repelled by places as they enter different planetary zones.

This type of astrology is usually called "astro-mapping" or "astro*cartography" but it can also be called by its older name: "relocation astrology." Places like the A.R.E. offer charts for you to see where you stand in the (truly) grand scheme of things, and which places might be more fortunate for which kind of purpose, etc. Or there are computer programs which will draw the maps for you--but really, it's better to get one of the ones that interprets it for you. The maps themselves tend to resemble a bowl of spaghetti, or so my non-astrologer husband tells me with some agitation.

Jeanne #55407 07/27/06 03:44 PM
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I tend to agree with you, Jeanne, with regard to the "Astrology of Place" aspect. From the time I was born, until I moved away from "home town" (as soon as I turned 21), I was never comfortable in that area, and even today, I can barely manage to go back there for more than a week at a time.

I did move back there for five years in the late 70's, early 80's, and the same feeling of being smothered and just plain despised eventually persuaded me that "getting out of Dodge" might well be the best thing to do. In my moving around in the Toronto area, though, I find that where I live now, in Mississauga (just to the west of Toronto), which is where I initially moved to about 25 years ago after "Dodge", is the most comfortable for me in terms of energy, and I tend to like to be closer to the lake.

So, yes, I can see why some people would feel that certain places just don't resonate with them, and I don't think you're strange at all, OceanicHumor. Welcome to the Forums, where I'm sure you'll find all kinds of people with whom you'll resonate.


Unis #55408 07/28/06 03:04 AM
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I too have lived in a wide variety of places- though as a military brat, I did not grow up in one place. I have noticed that each place I have lived, and each I have travelled to has a different feeling and a different culture. In fact, as a facilitator, I know that every group has its own spirit.

I want to point out an observation I have made- one of available choices. When you think differently, or belong to a sub culture or interest group (musicians artists, spiritualists, philosophers, et al) and live in a small city or town, you have limited choices of community. It is simply harder to find like minded people. In a large city, it is realtively easy to find people with shared interests, and settle into a community or form a group with shared vision.

Also, big cities usualy have colleges and universities in them or near by.This seems to attract open minded people. While counseling people I have heard the following many, many times "I always felt like an outsider in high school, always felt I am different. Then, when I went to college, I fit right in, there were lots of people who felt and thought like I do."

And, all that being said, there are places that feel alot more like "home" than other places. Is it me, or energy, or what? I can't realy say for sure, but I encourage you to follow your intuition.


vita-man #55409 07/28/06 03:19 AM
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Dear OceanicHumor,

I respect the opinions of the other respondents, and I hope that whatever
worldview we adopt to make sense of our lives, let it be helpful and not

I would like to add my 2 cents, for what its worth.

First, your intuition may just be telling you that it's time to uproot and
move on to somewhere else, like you were saying. Life is a journey, and
moving on is symbolic of progression along your path. After all, if
humankind did not move on in every generation, we would all still be
living in central Africa.

Regarding your hypothesis about people having some kind of locational
frequencies associated with them, I would suggest that old-timers are able
to spot new-comers simply by observing the new-comer's behavior, accent,
mannerisms, apparel, and other personal and interpersonal cues. You might
call this a "sixth sense" but whatever you wish to label it, it's simply a
keen intuition about people. After all, we're all able to spot a tourist
in a town, because she stands out like a sore thumb.

If people really had locational frequencies, it's very easy to test:
simply gather a test group of 15 people from 5 different cities, where 3
people belong to the same city. Then, see if the alleged
"locational-frequency-sensing guru" can pick out which people belong
together in the same cities. That is, in a room of 15 people, can the
guru arrange the people into 5 groups of 3 people in each group, according
to the cities they belong to? (The number of people/cities can vary, but
I hope you get the point of the test.)

Of course, to make this test more objective, we would eliminate all
obvious geographical cues, such as making sure they're all wearing the
same uniforms, aren't allowed to talk, etc. We can also make sure the
test subjects were all born and raised in their respective cities, to
avoid possible contamination of frequencies due to moving. My point is
that your idea of locational frequencies is straightforward to test, and
if your idea is correct, then a guru will be able to select out these
individuals according to their respective cities without any trouble at

Hopefully, we base our beliefs on what is real. Sure, it's ok to propose
new and different ideas, but the key is to put them to the test, and if
they don't hold water, why become attached to them?

I hope that helps, and I wish you the very best,


hartreefoch #55410 07/29/06 01:01 AM
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I too have noticed the differences in the "feeling" of places. Sometimes I am more aware of the differences than other times. I imagine this is because of my state of consciousness. I don't notice the "feeling" of my hometown that much, but when I travel there are times that is becomes very pronounced. Some towns seem to have a stronger or more pronounced "feeling". I live in a state adjacent to Oregon, and my wife and I often travel to central Oregon to visit her parents. There are some towns where this is almost palpable. Walla Walla, Washington, on the border of Oregon is one of those town that has a very "distinct feeling" for me.

I have also noticed in my travels that when are reside in some places that are very "foreign" to me, I become more "psychic". One of those places, is Italy. I frequently travel there for work, and "psychic skills" that I practice at home with limited or mixed sucess, work beyond my wildest imagination there. The last time I was in Bologna, Italy I had a free day from work before my flight home. I spent the day meditating at the Bascilica, wandering the city, and observing people. By mid-morning after a few hours, my state of consciousness changed and I was reading peoples minds. I knew what they were thinking, their worries, their joys, their emotional states, even details of their lives...

I also travel to Las Vegas for work. The first time I was there, I got a tremendous headache within minutes of landing on the tarmac. It took almost half an hour to realize that it was the frantic "energy" of city that was causing a negative feeling in my head. As soon as I realized the source of the problem, I put up a "psychic energy shield" and within 5 minutes, my headache was gone. I was there for a week and I did have to spend time each day "re-inforcing" my sheild to keep the negative "feelings" away. The days that I skipped "recharging my shield", I could feel the weight of the city pressing down on me. It was a NASCAR race week so all the hotels were full and I had to stay downtown in a hotel/casino. The "feeling of negative energy" was extremely strong in the casino.


TheCoyote #55411 07/29/06 05:50 AM
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Jeane: I think that you are talking about "collective consciousness" or "morphic resonance", which I tend to agree with you on. The individual people pooling their thoughts into one collective form. Like raindrops into a bucket. The water in the bucket is the collected experiances of all the micro-life. So each person contributes to the whole, which, in turn, has an effect on each individual.
this site has a real-world example of the theory. Blue tits are non-migratory and tend to stay within a few miles of their birth place. With this in mind, it's pretty amazing that blue tits from all over england (as well as in norway which i'm not sure this article mentioned) would have discovered this habbit all around the same time.

Another example is here:

I believe that, as blue tits and monkeys are somehow all connected, so are human beings. That our cities too have their own spin of that overall frequency based on the smaller, specific thoughts of people living there. Of course topography too may have a definate effect on the area's energy. Many variables.

To Hartreefoch I would say, what is intuition but a sixth sense? I agree that on the surface it is easy to poke holes in this hypothesis, but there are times when, yes, you can spot a person by their accent or mannerisms, but there are other times when you just know that they aren't from where you are from. You can FEEL it.
Af far as the experiment is concerned, yes I believe that it could be possible to do. For someone more advanced than I yes. Why not? I would suggest to you, in friendship, that you just say, "to heck with it, I'm gonna go through the process and try to develop these abilities for my self, if it works they're real, if it doesn't they're not."

I'm feel very welcome in this site and am glad that i joined it so that i now have some intelligent people to discuss these things with! Coyote, it's cool to see someone else who is trying to "psychically scan" people. Do you ever get people who can feel your presence on them while you do it, and turn around and look right at you from a distance?

All the best,
Oceanic Humor

P.S. any particular places that you just feel "good" in?

OceanicHumor #55412 07/29/06 06:54 PM
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Yes, sometime people do feel when I am scanning them, but most do not. I no longer have to look at people to scan them so the person would have to "feel my energy". In every case that I can remeber when I was noticed while scanning someone, the subject was female. I imagine that is because most scanning is sexual based. When I scan people, I send out a feeling of love for God and love for all of God's creations. I have not had a negative reaction by anyone who noticed that I was scanning them. The women who have noticed that I was scanning them, just look keep glancing over at me and until they catch my eye and then they smile.

I think magical places and magical times are a fluid thing. They can exist anywhere and anytime, you just have to train your awareness to notice them. I usually walk my dog's every day near my house. Sometimes for a change we drive down to the river and walk along a foot path. In the summer, this footpath is full of vegatation and animal wildlife instead of the hot, dry landscape by my house.

Two weeks ago, I was walking and working to have a "clear mind". I was focusing on the sounds of my footfalls, the sounds of the surrounding area, and then the "feeling" of my body. I had a sudden, unexplained urge to reach out and touch the leave of a tree. As soon as my hand touched the tree, my consciousness changed, it "shifted" to a state that I had seldom felt before. I was suddenly aware of the "energy field" surround this tree. It was a sort of consciousness of the tree. I also was a able to "tune in" to the very specific "feeling" of this tree. In this new state of consciousness, my body felt very different. My awareness of the things around me increased. I countinued to walk although walking now took a certain amount of concentration. Every time I passed a different species of tree, I reached out to touch the leaves. Each tree species "felt" different. By the end of my walk, I was able to "feel" each tree and "tune in" to it's "conscisousness" without even touching the tree.


TheCoyote #55413 08/23/06 05:59 PM
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Hi everyone,
I agree that different places do seem to carry different energetic resonances (as of course do people) - however, I think that to ascribe certain "feeling" energies to certain places just because you happen to always feel a certain way when you visit them could end up being a bit prescriptive. Chunyi Lin even highlights the importance of your own energy work on the Level 1 course when he talks a little about Feng Shui. Fundamentally, you can work with your own energies to amend or transform your experience and your energetic interaction with the world. What is it they always say - wherever you go in the world, you bring yourself with you.
Remember that a "feeling" already involves a subjective interpretation. And remember too, that most if not all of our subjective interpretations of life whether conscious or sub-conscious, whether communicated to us through judgements/thoughts, emotions or bodily sensations (such as the one you mention you felt in your solar plexus, OceanicHumour), these are all learnt at the end of the day - from the moment we are born in fact. We develop habits of association and, at the end of the day, quite predictable reactions to visual, audio and various other energetic stimuli.
What I find so interesting about the energy work promoted by Spring Forest Qi Gong, is that it highlights the dynamic nature of energy interactions. Everything changes, everything can be transformed. We can be sitting in pile of garbage and experience bliss or be on the top of one of the most scenic mountaintops in the world and be sinking into deep depression.
I think that both places and we ourselves, as individuals and groups, are dynamic and ever-changing. I suppose what I feel is so empowering about Chunyi Lin's message, is that we, at any moment, in any context, have the capacity to empower ourselves to react differently, to tap into a wider experience of energy, beyond ourselves, beyond the place or environment we happen to find ourselves in.

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