Yes, sometime people do feel when I am scanning them, but most do not. I no longer have to look at people to scan them so the person would have to "feel my energy". In every case that I can remeber when I was noticed while scanning someone, the subject was female. I imagine that is because most scanning is sexual based. When I scan people, I send out a feeling of love for God and love for all of God's creations. I have not had a negative reaction by anyone who noticed that I was scanning them. The women who have noticed that I was scanning them, just look keep glancing over at me and until they catch my eye and then they smile.

I think magical places and magical times are a fluid thing. They can exist anywhere and anytime, you just have to train your awareness to notice them. I usually walk my dog's every day near my house. Sometimes for a change we drive down to the river and walk along a foot path. In the summer, this footpath is full of vegatation and animal wildlife instead of the hot, dry landscape by my house.

Two weeks ago, I was walking and working to have a "clear mind". I was focusing on the sounds of my footfalls, the sounds of the surrounding area, and then the "feeling" of my body. I had a sudden, unexplained urge to reach out and touch the leave of a tree. As soon as my hand touched the tree, my consciousness changed, it "shifted" to a state that I had seldom felt before. I was suddenly aware of the "energy field" surround this tree. It was a sort of consciousness of the tree. I also was a able to "tune in" to the very specific "feeling" of this tree. In this new state of consciousness, my body felt very different. My awareness of the things around me increased. I countinued to walk although walking now took a certain amount of concentration. Every time I passed a different species of tree, I reached out to touch the leaves. Each tree species "felt" different. By the end of my walk, I was able to "feel" each tree and "tune in" to it's "conscisousness" without even touching the tree.
