I do tape the image stream, however being deaf I find listening to them frustrating so rarely do I go back over them. It forces me to record them quickly from memory after each session. I also find that I can remember re-experience the image stream in thsi way anyway. As for getting relaxed enough again for the next one well I find it easy enough anyway after the first image stream. I just close my eyes breathe out and let the images start flowing... if there seems to be some delay I just use the 3 to 1 technique. I find I'm relaxed enough after I start talking again anyway.

After doing all three sessions I decode. I pay attention to word like jump, run, standing etc. Also my choice of words when I describe something like rigid, stiff, or when I use words like wild seas instead of rough seas. I also pay attention to the feelings that the images invoke like disappointment, excitement, humour even a thought like whoa I better get away from here. I also look for the play on words nun = none I find while decoding that the first thought/association is most often the correct one and additional thoughts usually clarify it.

Even being deaf I still record my image streams I don't see it as a crutch but as a tool. If I don't turn on the tape recorder I see no reason for saying the image stream out loud... (since I don't wear my hearing aids while I image stream its seems a bit dumb to talk out loud if I can't hear it anyway ). With the tape recorder I can always check if I get distracted from recording my image stream.
