Just follow Pauls guidance at the beginning of the tapes he says you don't have to have the complete answer just considering the question prior to using the paraliminal will set things in action.

If we could so easily identify that actual limiting belief with perfection we'd be able to change our mind about them with a lot more ease. Since the true limiting belief is often hidden from our conscious mind it is much like playing pin the tail on the donkey to find our limiting beliefs.

Therefore knowing what you want to achieve and acknowledging that there is probably a limiting belief that prevents you from achieving thisnis the best starting point for the first time you use the Belief paraliminal on a particular project. Let your imagination guide you the rest of the way during the listening of the tape.

As Sandy pointed out on another thread, sometimes you can create major changes with just one listening other times more listening is required because there are more beliefs you harbour that may be preventing you from achieving your goal.
