Comparing the two would be like comparing oranges and watermelon - both sweet and juicy, but definitely in different leagues, and created for different purposes.

Holosync is a long-term program (approx. 12 years to complete for most individuals), which over time will assist in releasing negative clutter, but it works in a different way than Paraliminals, and probably at a different level as well.

Rather than just take someone else's word for what Holosync does, or doesn't do, why not actually explore the web-site yourself, and get the full details by the people who offer the program, as well as see testimonials by actual users. You can also acquire a FREE demo of the program, although if you are using Sonic Access or any of the paraliminal CD's, you've already experienced Holosync. The big drawback, other than the time commitment, for Holosync, is the financial commitment.

You might also explore The Sedona Method for releasing your fears and moving away from recognized negative programming. Not nearly as expensive as Holosync, but you will need to commit some time for good results.

Bottom line, though, is that whatever method you choose (and they're all great!) to move forward in your life, you must make a commitment to follow through - even with Sonic Access and the Paraliminals, there is that need. Personal advancement isn't something you can buy, use once and put on a shelf, and expect it will do the job for you. (something I have become acutely aware of recently )
