Hi Vita-man:

No, haven't started Genius Code yet (and it's been almost a year since I bought it!) and only slightly got into one of the other of the 5-Pak I ordered at almost the same time. My time to work on myself this year has been scattered at best, and I'm making some New Year resolutions now to correct that situation. Santa has already dumped a large chunk of black coal in my stocking, so I really do need to pick up my act.

I think one of the things that has been holding me back from using the Genius Code is that I just don't seem to have the ability to visualize anything but a blank, black nothingness with my eyes closed. Tried image streaming and gave up in frustration - how do you image stream when there are no images? Guess that's why I like Holosync so much - there's nothing to have to try to visualize. Just energy running, and feeling on Cloud Nine!

I generally don't get visuals with the Paraliminals either, and that's probably why getting results with them (for me, at least) takes a long time and a lot of listening. On the very rare occasion that I actually do see something, I get so excited it's gone before I can do anything with it. With my eyes wide open, I can visualize almost anything - it's like it's floating out there in front of me and I could reach out and touch it. But as soon as Paul instructs to "close your eyes", it's gone. Nada!!! Definitely a disconnect there somewhere's!

PS: Lost your email addy when my hard drive crashed last year - you probably still have mine.
