the best time for me is my lunch break I slip right into a trance and wake up at the end usaully I won't remember nothing expect 12345 towards the end try it out. Have you tried sleep track? R U saying it dos not work? Did you tell other people about paraliminals that are making fun of you planting doubt seeds in your head?( that was my problem but now I am the one laughing) R U hanging around hanging around negative people with low self esteem?Is there something in the past U need to let go of?(new history generator and *********Boundless Renewal**********)Do you really want to change or scared of how people are going to view your new self-esteem? This is every thing I was dealing with now I am a totally new person I was using every paraliminal but the one I really needed it was new history I was taking back in a dream to a problem i had when I was a kid and changed the memory strange but true I used the new behavior generater and personal magnitism to develope confidence( be careful with behavior generator ) I would do the boundless renewal course