
Could be your headphones. Like I thought, some of my headphones are crap and I was losing the benefits of these tapes. It's not just about listening the right words from the right ear - there is more to these tapes than just listening.

I am still waiting for LS to respond to my headphone question - maybe you can follow through and assess if that is the issue with you too.

You're either hearing the voices clear enough (to understand the words in each ear) or you're not. If you're not hearing the words in one or both ears CAN'T be a good thing! If you have doubts, take your CD down to a Radio Shack or some other store that sells audi equipment and listen to how new, updated headphones allow you to hear BOTH of Paul's voices clearly. Btw, I don't remember the model number but I have a pair of Radio Shack headphones that I bought several years ago with 2 volume knobs, one for each ear. This allows me to adjust my volume for the hearing of BOTH my ears separately which, in my case, is a good thing because my right ear is definitely not as good hearing as my left. Thankfully, these headphones allow me to play the volume at just the right level for EACH ear! These headphones cost me $20 brand new and I've noticed that $20 buys a pretty good set of headphones these days (not just the ones I mentioned). I hope this helps. --- Mike