Well part of the problem is the goal "improve my general self worth and confidence" they are rather vague and not very measurable. and a higher "sense of self-esteem" does not give one the skills that would make you want to ask a girl out.

Now that you've pointed out a specific problem area your goal would be better to have the confidence or audacity to ask a girl out even though she may say no.

The Paraliminals that would work best in this case with a specific focus to talk to a girl as a first step perhaps. (You might need a smaller goal like even going out to where the girls are, I don't know. Point is that this is a biggie for you so you need to give yourself markers that point you in the right direction by breaking down to a series of subgoals. This why you can see yourself making measurable progress and not undermine yourself with negative self-talk because the goal still seems out of reach.

Self-Esteem Supercharger is an excellent all round Paraliminal. However lets use some other options.

Anxiety-Free. First of all work on the underlying anxiety of working with the Paraliminals to move you towards your goal.. Probably need only one session each A and B.

Sales Leap with the premise that you're going to sell yourself (as a nice guy who could be terrific company and would like to "sell' the opportunity of having someone get to know you.

Talk to Win self confidence booster and covers some more communication skills. Confidence is much easier to have when you know how to do something like how to communicate with someone. How to sell an idea (Sales Leap).

Use Instantaneous Personal Magnetism two or 3 times interspaced between the other suggested Paraliminal think of someone who approaches women (or men for any one else following this )in a way that gets results and that you would like to be able to do. (don't pick a personality that is just not going to be you)

Go out try and make it a goal to say hello, do you know anyone here I feel a bit lost myself or something to get someone else talking. Or you might just lower your goal and just allow yourself to smile at someone when they notice you looking. You work out your goal and set to achieve that.

After your evening out whether you succeeded in having a conversation choking down a hello notice it up as an experience to move beyond next time and listen to the Self-Esteem Supercharger Paraliminal.

Then do the process again for your next goal. And as you move ahead you'll notice that your general self worth and confidence have improved as a by product.

PhotoReading questions you can post on the PhotoReading thread. Funny thing about most courses is that they work most brilliantly when you get to a point where you don't care whether they work or not and because you have no emotion invested in the outcome you're not driving with one foot on the brake you just get on with it and do it.
