My problem is being over weight. I bought The Ideal Weight paraliminal in early December. I called learning strategies to ask how to use the CD. I was told that this works very quickly and after 7 to 8 days I would only need to listen once a week or so. Well, I did lose six pounds listening to the CD, but then I stopped listening every night and listened to both A and B once a week.. The weight just came right back

I called again and got a different coach. She said that my experience was common. people lost the weight as long as they listened daily, but gained if they stopped.

So I am listening to the Ideal Weight CD in the morning and then at night I listen to Perfect Health at night. I look forward to my time with Paul, as I call it, and the weight is coming off! I guess for me it will take longer to change my beliefs about my weight, but until i do, these two paraliminals are working great!