Hey Seeker,

I started using the Diamond Feng Shui round about the beginning of last year - The first thing I have to mention is that when you start Feng Shui-ing your environment, you become more conscious of it and I found that, for myself, I started taking better care of my house and being more alert for things being out of place.

That in itself (for me, the pack-rat / "throw things wherever" person) started changing my life because I've become more orderly and neat.

Aside from that, by simply following her suggestions, I did find more peace in my life - Things have become less "scattered". My focus is better and whether it's a result of that or of the Feng Shui, my money situation is definately moving in an extremely positive direction (please g-d, may it continue so for the rest of my life!! ).

Overall, the system seems powerful and I would say that for it's cost, it is definately worth it.

Now, (and please understand I am FAR from a Feng Shui expert), I believe I heard / read somewhere that Feng Shui's main influence for energy is the sun. That being said, regardless what hemisphere you're in, the sun will always rise in the East and set in the West, so the principles of Feng Shui and the flow of energy are identical throughout the world!
