I just got signed up and hope to purchase the program soon, but until that time, I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to what I can do to enhance my front door which faces South..one of my poor directions...it would be best if it was facing West..but there is not much I can do to change it. It seems that since moving in here I have had alot of bills that seemed extremely high...like the electric... I am on disability and it has been very hard to survive financially...also have alot of medication expenses and its been one month buying meds or one month paying the electric, which means I am always behind. I cannot go out and purchase the beneficial tools, like bagua's and etc....so I am hoping to be able to use whatever I might have on hand. Thanks for any help, I really appreciate it...Nancy

Last edited by njo32355; 02/22/07 03:05 AM.