My friend aroused my interest in the Law of Atrraction, and I ended up buying "The Secret". I just watched mine tonight for the first time tonight, and it is directed very good, and the success stories sound very promising. I just put the stuff they talked about into action, and I do feel alot better about things already. The dvd is very uplifting too. They cover almost everything you would ever think about, and more. I definentely learned ALOT from it, and it will take some time to "test" it. If anyone else has bought it and "tested" it, please post your reactions/stories. I would be very happy to hear from other users of it. I borrowed "what the bleep do we know", which I heard is really good, so I hope I can make some changes to my life so it works out better.

Last edited by QuickLearner; 02/14/07 08:19 PM.