Hello! I am new to the forums, but wanted to chime in on The Secret. I first learned about The Secret in August just as I was finishing reading the Kybalion and putting its teachings into practice in my life.

I went to the website, but decided that I just didn't have the time to watch the movie.

Christmas Eve my husband and I were at a party and our neighbor told me he had ordered The Secret for his daughter and how it had changed her life. I still was not interested in seeing or buying it.

Three weeks ago an acquaintance mentioned The Secret in anger to an associate practically shouting that he should buy the DVD and watch the movie. Hmmmm...

Was I getting the messgae?

The next day My husband and I went to our local Borders Books so he could pick up a book he wanted. As I walked through the front door there was a lone copy of the DVD The Secret tossed on top of a stack of books as though it had been left there for me. It was the first thing I saw as I entered the store. I decided buy it bit wanted to get another copy for my daughter. When I asked where I might find another copy the clerk looked in the computer and then told me that according to the inventory the one in my hand did not exist!

Okay, this time I got the message! I have been working with The Secret for about two weeks now and the changes are amazing.

As someone pointed out the concept of manifestation is not new. The Kybalion goes back thousands of years, and is, perhaps, the oldest known text on manifestation. What makes The Secret DVD so important in mastering this skill is that it shows you how to do it in the simplest of terms. The Secret is a very important tool in managing your feelings and emotions to try to keep them elevated and positive.

I run The Secret on my computer everyday while I am working. Even if I am not able to watch it I can listen to it, and so far I get something new out of it almost daily.

Paul Scheele has changed my life with his paraliminals. Those combined with The Secret just make life better and better!