
I imagined getting US $16,310 dollar(which is an even number in the valuta of my home country) into my bank account as part of my "wanted/wish list". Today I won close to US $10,800 in the pick-6 lottery.

THAT is just brilliant! Sounds like Canfield. Nice to know if I too persevere, my visualized cash pot will materialize! Although, my lottery walks, talks and wears pants .. I hope! LOL!!

No seriously, the vision board seems to be doing wonders for me. Every time I go to the bathroom I see it - what better way to have it "in your face" than on the bathroom mirror eh!?

I have, in the past, personally experienced the magic of thoughts. Although back then I used to call it "a miracle" but now I know, all it was, was, what they are teaching in the DVD "your wish is my command". I wished it then and it came true within days - and I will NEVER forget the day because the hairs on the back of my neck stood up when I wished it. I knew I had connected with something but I didn't know what or who. The feeling was intense. I still remember it and I am sure that I will recognize it if I use The Secret with purest of intention and heart.

My time has come - it is NO MISTAKE that "The Secret" has once agan landed in my life! It's here to manifest something in my life - and I am READY for it! "India .. here I come!" LOL!!!