One writer has called luck a "God-wink." Another has called it an "angel kiss."

Is it luck when I think about needing a parking space, and someone pulls out of theirs right in front of me?

Is it luck when someone needs a certain amount of money for a certain purpose, and voila, there it is in the street, no one around, just the exact amount needed?

Was it luck when I thought about the kind of job I wanted some years back, and within an hour, I had met a person who was looking for someone with just my skills for exactly that kind of job?

Luck is but one name for it. Other names might be "miraculous," or maybe synchronicity--some might say angelic has many names. But The Secret does talk about it. If it's luck, and you're practicing these teachings, then expect to be pretty "lucky!"

Have fun with this, that's a "secret" many successful winners (lottery, horse racing, cards, etc.) have also noted. The Universe seems to just adore a playful approach to life. Don't worry too much about what it's called.