Does anyone have a plan on how to monitor/track whether they are receiving from the secret? Should I even bother to track the progress or simply focus on acknowledging the change with gratitude?

I ask because to date, I am not quite sure which one of the programs I have been listening to has delivered results. I shouldn't care but what if I stop listening to one of them and that is the one that was truly reprogramming my mind then what? Do I have to start all over again?

I seem to have most faith in The Universal Mind and together with The Secret (or the teachings of Abraham) I can see it catapulting me to new heights. But while giving these a chance, I was going to shelf LS tapes for about 6 weeks (I know I am contradicting my earlier statement but I feel I owe The Secret a chance, especially the vision board which has gotten me so excited!).

I am hesitating to give up LS program because I know 100% that NBG, PR and Prosperity have worked for me.

I am grateful for all the intelligent and fitting answers that I am about to receive!