
Does anyone have a plan on how to monitor/track whether they are receiving from the secret? Should I even bother to track the progress or simply focus on acknowledging the change with gratitude?

I ask because to date, I am not quite sure which one of the programs I have been listening to has delivered results. I shouldn't care but what if I stop listening to one of them and that is the one that was truly reprogramming my mind then what? Do I have to start all over again?

Perhaps it is easiest just to mark the stuff on your wanted list which has happened with a "strike through"?

I notice that what you wish for when using the "law of attraction" seems much more real than when you usually wishes for something. And do really believe I will get more money into my bank account later this year. We'll see.
If anything more on my list occurs I will report it in this thread.

To make it happen it is necessary to remove all negative thoughts. After seeing The Secret video the first thing I did was stop thinking about my debts and instead think of money and wealth(which would eliminate my debt). And sure enough, the money came. I will now get rid of all of my credt card debt and still have some money left.