
Does anyone have a plan on how to monitor/track whether they are receiving from the secret? Should I even bother to track the progress or simply focus on acknowledging the change with gratitude?

I ask because to date, I am not quite sure which one of the programs I have been listening to has delivered results. I shouldn't care but what if I stop listening to one of them and that is the one that was truly reprogramming my mind then what? Do I have to start all over again?

For tracking, most teachers suggest keeping a journal (or just a little inexpensive notebook) that lists everything you've asked for, with space below to list the results. I'd suggest leaving a LOT of space, a whole page even, because sometimes the results are not exactly what you've asked for, but something far better. Recording HOW you got it can be a delight, too--it's often in a way you'd never, ever suspect!

As to which programs of the ones you're using can be thanked for your happy results--I'd say, "all of them." For one thing, I think many of these things work well together toward the same goal(s). For instance, not long ago I wanted to reach a certain goal, and was using some Silva methods for it. I was guided to use one of the paraliminal cds to assist. It worked. It wasn't a paraliminal I thought I "needed" but it showed me what I needed to see, and once that was done, doors opened.

That said, I also think there are some programs and techniques that might not work so well together, but the Secret, LSC, and Kelly Howell seem very compatible.
