
Yesterday (Monday), I watched the Secret DVD twice plus my local TV repeated Friday’s Oprah show which hosted 2 of the Secret teachers to discuss the Secret DVD for the 2nd time. I must say I am feeling quite OVERWHELMED and at one point, I thought I was ‘obsessing’ over it. My inundated feeling came from me cutting clippings from magazines to fill up my vision board in the bathroom. I have another one, with similar images which I have turned into my desktop wallpaper but was looking for more images to fill up my bathroom mirror (approx 5 ft x 3 ft), I think, because I have to step on the toilet seat to reach the top.

Anyway, I think I am obsessing over it – not only that, someone recommended I use EFT on one of the areas which I want to resolve this year. While searching on EFT, I came across “Ask and It is Given” (yes, Esther Hicks from The Secret DVD). I must confess, all these available resources on the internet is driving me crazy!

I have no idea how to slow down, settle down or take it easy. I was planning to stop LS programs then I panicked what if they are the only ones working. Anyway, my mind chatter goes on and on.

So, I was wondering if someone wants to help keep me “sane”. I have started an excel spreadsheet where every day, I document my gratitude (this is something I have been doing from Tony Robbins days but not in excel, instead, I would send myself email reminders to state my gratitude out loud or silently).

I wouldn't overdo it. Watch the movie a lot in the beginning and "just" once a week after a while.

I see the movie once every other day now (I've downloaded the version with Esther Hicks from a P2P network) while waiting for the Extended Version from Amazon. Ordered it a few days ago. I am considering to order the book also. The version with Esther Hicks has been discontinued and is being sold as Used by people and other companies on Amazon from 80 dollars and up. Incredible.

After a while you will know the movie in and out and can focus on the Creative Process instead.

I understand that you in the beginning want to know as much as possible about The Secret. You can go to Youtube.com and watch recordings from talkshows about The Secret. Also search for more information about peoples manifestations on other forums (use Google).

With regards to Gratitude, I don't keep count of when I "say it" or think of it. Once in a while it just pops into my head what I am grateful for. I don't keep counts of my manfestations/visualizations neither.