
Visualization Manifested! I wrote a law exam last week and a week prior to the exam, I missed a very important class which discussed the main topic in the exam. So the entire week after writing the exam, I visualized getting a score of 28 out of 30. Yesterday, when I got my exam paper back, I had received 26/30. I was disappointed and felt a twinge in my heart. And I recall saying, well, 26 is not bad, I am GRATEFUL it is still a great mark. When the professor was going through the paper discussing what he was expecting in answers, I realized, he forgot to mark one of the questions that I had answered. So I told him mid-class and to which he responded, “well you if answered “A” then I owe you two points!” And …yup! I had answered “A” – so I got my 28 out of 30! Can you believe my excitement?!!!! I kept saying thanks to the universe all night long! I was and am particularly excited about the mark because despite missing the core class, I aced the exam! I thought I should share my ‘little progress’ with the law of attraction.

Good for you!

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