A lot of weird stuff happens in life. But what would be even weirder than that would be if NOTHING weird happened at all. That is, it is statistically more likely for weird coincidences to happen that make you think there is an underlying, designed pattern where there is none than for none of those coincidences to happen at all.

Personally, I believe it's probably the case that the Universe gives nothing and takes nothing. Giving and taking presuppose some kind of intention which presupposes some kind of consciousness.

Why worry over or put your faith in invisible agents who act like magical elves who will give you what you want if only you just wish hard enough? Why do that when you've got two good hands of your own and an able mind and willing spirit?

It's great to wish for things and get them. But it's better, I think, to plan, problem solve, and earn them with your own two hands, your own agency, your own work. Then, when you accomplish what you set out for, you'll know that you've earned it and you'll have learned something from the process.

What do you get from just getting whatever you wish for? You get atrophy. I know from personal experience that getting what you want easily, just because you want it can do very, very bad things to you. It's a romantic notion that the world would be a better place if only your dreams could magically come true, but that's only because it doesn't happen and we don't have to live with the consequences of what life would be like if it did.

If we truly did have this power and were able to manifest our heart's desires with the snap of the fingers, life would become hell and the suicide rate would go through the ceiling.

The Secret for me isn't so secret, and that is this is it, right here right now. This is what I've done with what I've got, which largely is a matter of patterns beyond my control, many of them unintended but understandable... many of them through the work of other people and some of them by me.... but none of them by gnomes.

I do not discourage visualization, however. But let's admit what that is: you're simply using your mind to activate and direct your inner resources toward achieving your visualized goal. You are affecting yourself psychologically through the willful use of your imagination. That is all. No astral thought forms of woogie boogie attractor basins in karmic fields. Just the creation of a psychological attractor basin that exists within the mind and body and alters thinking, feeling, and behavior to bring about a desired end.

No hocus pocus.

Last edited by babayada; 02/22/07 05:41 PM.