I agree my question "to do what exactly" sounds a bit strange and couple of years ago I would ask the exact same thing. However, in the last 2 years, I have gone through Feng Shui & Qigong retreats, Photoreading seminar, Millionaire Mind Weedend with T. Harv Eker and Silva Ultra Mind ESP seminar. They all benifited in different ways. I met a lot of interesting people, a lot of exceptionally nice people. I also started combining techniques when they make sense. For example, when I do Qigong healing on myself or others, I use Silva mental screen technique in the background and use a remote control type device to remove blockages from myself of whoever I'm healing. So, yes, every system or book or CD adds something good.

What I have found is when I set a particular goal before starting any of these, and work on the goal during the seminar/session/practice, the manifastation can be much quicker and my understanding goes deeper. But in reality, majority of people attend or read just to expand their knowledge but rarely use the information. I made a habit of reading book every day, even if it gets very late. I made a habit of almost removing TV, especially all those blood spilling action movies I used to watch during school/college as I had friends working for movie theaters. As I started applying techniques one by one, I see how everything starts changing for good. I was not in any bad situation but if you have never eaten a mango, how would you know how it tastes compared to other fruits?