Procrastination = energy loss.

I remember a story from ??? about a kid who was bullied in school. He used Darth Vader as his model, and he stopped getting bullied. He carried himself differently, showing that he expected respect from others. That's what he got.

My grandmother told me a story about one of her relatives. She was a petite lady around 5 feet tall. She carried herself with respect. A clerk from a bank had not seen her in a number of years and did not recognize her, because he thought she was taller.

You can emulate your model's confidence. Confidence is not a function of size, it is a function of self-respect/self-esteem/self-confidence/self-concept. I'm 6'2" tall, which is taller than most. If confidence were a function of size, then most people who are shorter than me would become _unconfident_ in my presence. This doesn't happen. Confident people stay confident.

- Eric