I'm having trouble with activiation.

I have my trigger words and I probe my mind with questions that I want to know. I super-read and dip when I find it appropriate, etc.

I suppose I'm a little confused on mind-mapping - I know what it is, but I'm confused on how one goes about it. Do you base you're mindmapping off of the trigger words and questions you've had? Do you mindmap after super-read/dip or before? Do you make your mind-map blind? -- meaning, do you have your book in front of you or not?

I'm guessing that what has confused me is when I first saw the video Photoreading News Broadcast Video, the news broadcaster does a mind-map during his preview step, as opposed to during his super-reading step.... he actually doesn't even show the super-reading step.

Could someone please explain this to me?


Jonathan Cisco