Hello Kunagi,

You wanted a simple answer, so here it is "No! It is not possible...".

You also wanted an explanation. So here it is. Allright, jokes apart, see it has been mentioned very many times on this forum as well as in the course that the aim of Photoreading is not to give you a Photographic memory.

IMHO, the Photoreading Wholemind System, puts you into the centre. Even before you open the book, literally, it asks you to determine your purpose. What is it that you would like out of the book? What is that is important to you in the book? And then taking steps to fulfill your purpose and have the required information. It is not about remembering the book word by word.

Taking the liberty of going one step further, I would like to discuss that I see no point in remembering a book word by word. Let us say, situation one : I remember the book word by word. Now someone asks me what I have gained out of the book or what it is in the book that has impressed me the most? And my response is I recite them the entire book. I am invited on National TV to discuss and talk about the book and what do I do, yes, I simply recite the book. I might impress a few, but I am no wiser or better after reading the book.

Situation Two : I don't remember the book word by word, but I have a firm grasp on the essence of book as well as the ideas which the author is trying to get across through that book. Now, I believe that I will be performing a lot better in the above two situations.

That was my inputs to your question. No offence intended. I hope I have been of some help to you.

God bless you.

Kind regards