Hi Kunagi.

Here is my take on why PhotoReading can NOT give you photographic memory

The reason is if you try to have an overview of the PhotoReading whole mind system, then the steps goes like this, familiarizing yourself with the book as well as its structure(Prepare and Preview); then feeding the book to your subconscious mind(PhotoReading); and finally using your intuition(subconscious mind) as a pathfinder, guiding your conscious mind to the sections relevant to your purpose(Activating and Rapid Reading). Unless, I am missing something memorizing the book never surfaces in the entire process. The emphasis is on getting the information relevant to your purpose, out of the reading material.

Why do people at times encounter difficulties while learning PhotoReading whole mind system, it is because, this focuses entirely on Subconscious mind rather than the traditional method of focusing on Conscious mind. The stress is on Subconscious mind. Whereas during memorizing we are concentrating on the conscious mind and the subconscious mind has little or no role to play.

Please understand these are my views and I could be wrong. I will love to be corrected by anyone more competent on this topic.

God bless you.

Kind regards
Vaibhav Sharma