Hi Vaibhav,

Your answer is nice and reasonable at all and it is fit to my own view.

I am interested about the "memorization is on the conscious but not too much subconscious". As what i know, memorization and understanding is not on the same time. Tony Buzan's experiments confirms my view. Your words have gave me new recognization to my conscious and subconscious mind.

I apologize for any bold words that i gave to anyone or made anyone angry in this forum. I tried to ask this question many times but the answer is always related with value......what i really want is the answer like what Vaibhav said.

What i should say about your reply, "Great!" Thank you for letting me know that the relationship between the memorization and Photoreading Wholemind System. I hope i can continue to seek for any knowledge from you. Thanks.

God bless you

Best regards,
