Hello Kunagi,

IMHO, most of the tests have questions which test your logical, analytical and thinking capabilities. The test papers are set keeping in mind how much you have understood the material, how comfortable are you with the material and how can you apply this material to problems.

The tests are not designed to test your memory retention skills. Otherwise questions in test paper will be "Write down first three paragraphs, word-by-word given on Pagexx". Therefore as I said earlier, when studying a book or material your aim should be to understand the material.

Reading a material is like having a conversation with the author more or less on the similar lines of having a conversation with your friend. Tell me would you like to remember word-by-word your conversation with your friend or what was the essence of the conversation , what was the topic, what points and counter-points were presented and so on. Similary after reading something you should be able to understand, what was the author's main point, what arguments he used to substantiate his claim and how he nullified the counter arguments. Further how can I use this material and so on.

I hope I have been of some help to you.

God bless you.

Kind regards
Vaibhav Sharma.